Women in details
Women are multifaceted. Each is beautiful in her own way. Every detail is important: a mole on the arm, the curve of the neck, the dimple on the cheek. A woman is a kaleidoscope. Year after year she changes, opens from a new side. There are no standards for appearance. A woman can be thin or plump, blonde or red, with long or short hair. It is important to show true beauty.

…Every time you feel scared, turbulent, or even want to give up, remember the path you’ve traveled so far…

…You will succeed at ANYTHING you set your mind to and decide to do…

…Never give up and don’t forget about your dreams, your wonderful heart can’t live without it…

…Remember, the world is abundant and it loves you!…

…After all, no one breaks your heart more than you yourself, worrying about every little thing…

…Your life has turned out in a way that you didn’t even imagine…

…I love, I am loved, I am healthy, happy, successful and grateful with all my heart for this incredible life…

…The most important thing to remember is that you have me and you and I can achieve a lot…

…Stand your ground and be true to yourself and your purpose. You can do more than you imagine…

…The most important thing I want to tell you, my girl, is that you are doing everything right!…

…It will seem that you are alone, but this is an illusion! Just know it and love yourself! Don’t let your heart close!…

…don’t go against yourself, who you are, love yourself, accept what others think, it doesn’t matter, live your wonderful life!…

…Whatever you are, wherever you are, know that your love is a huge force…

…I learned to combine opposite qualities in myself and found inner harmony…

…don’t be afraid to be funny and ridiculous in the eyes of others. This quality can be used very profitably for yourself :)…